This is the central site for a long-term project to research, examine, and respond to the radical collective of writers, theorists, architects, and visual artists who operated in Paris between 1829 and 1835 under the names of the Jeunes France & the Bouzingo, and through them to build a critical understanding of French Romanticist subculture through the historical lens of a continuing politically vigilant Anglophone avant-garde.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Lecture Notes: Occultism, Politics, and the Romanticist Avant-Garde, 1800–1850.

Here are the outline and powerpoint for Olchar Lindsann's lecture on Occultism, Politics, and the Romanticist Avant-Garde at the AfterMAF Festival in Roanoke, Virginia, 14 July 2018. Unfortunately, the footage of this part of the presentation was lost so the following materials must suffice. The video is available for Part 2 of the lecture HERE, which carries us from 1850 up to 1900 and the modernist avant-gardes.

 This is less concerned with explaining proto-socialist and hermetic concepts themselves (a doomed attempt of hubris in a 90-minute lecture), than with exploring precisely how the social fabric of the Parisian intellectual underground became permeated with hermetic ideas and practices – tracing the avant-occultist practitioners and groups who planted and cultivated the first seeds of what would later blossom as the Rose+Cross, the Golden Dawn, Dada and Surrealism, the Grand-Jeu, Acéphale, Vienna Aktionism, Chaos Magic, the Church of the Sub-Genius, ToPY, etc. etc. –



    Is getting well ever an art,
    Or art a way of getting well?
    —Robert Lowell

    At seventy eight you begin to believe in magic
    Hold your hands out
    Not in the crude sense—not that you believe it’s true
    Look at them
    Or that the heaven stories are waiting for you
    They have been yours for so many years
    Not that rabbits will appear from hats
    Consider your eyes
    (Though rabbits do appear from hats
    What companions they’ve been
    As well as from other rabbits)
    Over all this time
    It’s that everything seems bizarre and
    And your legs, propelling you
    Despite theories of causation
    From one strange place
    Unreasonable. You begin to feel a strangeness
    To another.
    At the heart of things
    At the heart of the universe
    Working its way into everything you have experienced
    Is a quality we recognize with age
    You may call this strangeness magic
    The young need to believe
    “A category in western culture distinct from science and religion”
    In the comforting rationality of things
    It interrupts
    The old know (or believe they know)
    Everything we know
    It’s nothing but Tarot
    And makes it seem
    And the hanged man, the moon, the death card
    Unlikely, unfathomable.
    May show at any time.

  2. Every second line should be indented. Formatting!
