This is the central site for a long-term project to research, examine, and respond to the radical collective of writers, theorists, architects, and visual artists who operated in Paris between 1829 and 1835 under the names of the Jeunes France & the Bouzingo, and through them to build a critical understanding of French Romanticist subculture through the historical lens of a continuing politically vigilant Anglophone avant-garde.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Philothée O'Neddy: Translation Volunteers?????????????????? !!!!

A shameless plea to already busy people: O’Neddy Translation Opportunities!
I've been posting translations and an essay in progress over the past few weeks from the forthcoming Philothée O'Neddy anthology. This is the first full-length book of his work ever assembled in English, and the most ambitious Bouzingo/Revenant-related project undertaken yet, involving around 100 pages of newly-translated material and that much again that has been out of print for a century, all newly annotated. (See previous posts for more on O'Neddy)
The more we can translate by summer, the more comprehensive the book will be, and my time is even more meagre than my fluency in French. There are a lot of short articles, essays, etc. that might be simple for a fluent reader to translate in an afternoon or a few spare moments, and some longer pieces that might catch somebody's interest. 
So in case you might be interested and able, I'm posting brief descriptions and page-counts of some items that I'd love to include but may not have time to get to; if you want to take anything on, just let me know so I can warn anybody else who might thing of translating the same thing. You'll get a free copy of the finished book, if you're not already owed one for contributing other translations, or helping me consistently on my own.
Here are the little orphan texts:
The first group are short, but unavailable online; I can photograph or transcribe you the text from my copy in the archive.

Letters to Translate:
March 30, 1836 (on Romanticist theory) 3 p
Aug. 12, 1857 (on Politics, Haussmann, etc.) 3 p
Nov. 16, 1862 (on Civil War, Lincoln, & French Revolution) 1.5 p
April 19, 1871 (Stuck in Paris during the siege, on his deathbed) 0.25 p
May 5, 1871 (bedridden during the Commune, dying) 0.5 p
Aug. 18, 1855 ? (Alphonse Karr, the french revolution, Hugo)
June 1, 1871? (French bombarding Paris, his final letter) 1 p
Maybe Aug. 1 1836 (long, but stuff on school friend-group & switch to journalism & on romanticism)
The set of texts below are accessible here:
Theatre Reviews-Hugo, The Burgraves (p. 215) 8 p.
---Popular Parody of The Burgraves #1 (p. 232) 2 p.
---Popular Parody of The Burgraves #2 (p. 235) 1 p.
Letter from Hugo to O’Neddy on his defense of The Burgraves (p 237) 2 p.
Short story: L’Escarcelle et la Rapier (The Purse and the Rapier) 7 p.
Verse Preface to Enchanted Ring (D’un Anneau enchantée) 2.5 pages, around 100 lines.
(This Preface is not in the online version, but I can photo or transcribe it from my archive copy. It seems to give great clues about what the Verse form meant to O’Neddy, why he stopped publishing it at the same time he dropped his pseudonym, and connects the realist novel to bourgeois hegemony.)
Section/s from Enchanted Ring; chapters range between 7 and 22 pages; entire story is 70 pages
There is also a 1-page verse epilogue to Anneau enchantée.
There are lots of other theatre reviews and letters in the book, which may be of interest to people out there, so snoop around; I’ve just listed my personal interests here.
More poems would be great of course! We could use anything from Feu et flame EXCEPT the following poems, which HAVE already been translated: 
There are later poems I could track down if you want to go even more off the beaten path for some reason, let me know….


  1. I'd love to help! e-mail is

    1. Sorry, I just noticed this comment! I've sent an email-thanks!
