This is the central site for a long-term project to research, examine, and respond to the radical collective of writers, theorists, architects, and visual artists who operated in Paris between 1829 and 1835 under the names of the Jeunes France & the Bouzingo, and through them to build a critical understanding of French Romanticist subculture through the historical lens of a continuing politically vigilant Anglophone avant-garde.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Nerval's Lobster: Is walking a crustacean any more ridiculous than a dog? - Boing Boing

Nerval's Lobster: Is walking a crustacean any more ridiculous than a dog? - Boing Boing

A delightful speculative essay on the best-known Bouzingo mythic story, that of Gérard walking his pet lobster Thibault along the streets of Paris (one of many individual and collective stunts and pranks perpetrated by the group in the streets).

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