This is the central site for a long-term project to research, examine, and respond to the radical collective of writers, theorists, architects, and visual artists who operated in Paris between 1829 and 1835 under the names of the Jeunes France & the Bouzingo, and through them to build a critical understanding of French Romanticist subculture through the historical lens of a continuing politically vigilant Anglophone avant-garde.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Just Released: Poems by PHILOTHEE O'NEDDY!

I recently released the Bouzingos' first ever anthology (albeit only a slim 50 pages), in English translation; and awhile before that, a big zine of poems by Bouzingo co-founder Pétrus Borel. They are now joined by a chapbook by co-founder Philothée O'Neddy!!

 In the next month or two, be on the lookout for yet another Bouzingo zine: "Cervantes in Madrid" and Other Texts!


The Phalanxes of Babel: Selected Texts From an Outlaw of Thought, 1828-46 – by Philothée O’Neddy

 Translated by Olchar E. Lindsann & Jonah Durning Hammond, with a bio-critical introduction by Lindsann.


The poet Philothée O’Neddy (1811-75) was a cultural radical sidelined by mainstream culture in his day, and has yet to garner the posthumous recognition granted to many later poètes maudits. A founding member of the seminal Bouzingo group, O’Neddy’s radical Romanticism melded Byronic dandyism, progressive politics, intellectual play, and linguistic experimentation, all with a deeply earnest irony that speaks to our contemporary cultural moment.

His work presents a finely-crafted phantasmagoria of radical politics, countercultural lifestyle, and gothic-horror tropes, all embroidered with archaic vocabulary and startling neologisms set in a tortured syntax, and twisted in order to achieve bewildering effects. His intense idealism shot through with a corrosive irony would later inspire the oeuvres of Baudelaire and Lautréamont.

But O’Neddy’s praxis encompassed far more than “literature” narrowly considered. He was among the first and most outspoken countercultural theorists to agitate overtly for the radical convergence of art and life, and to put these ideas into concrete action. He was one of the most active organisers in the burgeoning underground Romanticist movement in Paris, and led the collective push to explore its most experientially radical fringes.

This is the most extensive collection yet presented in English of O’Neddy’s poetry, along with selections of his theoretical statements, a bio-critical introduction by editor and translator Olchar Lindsann, and a bibliography of O’Neddy’s few works in English.

48 pgs on folded 8.5”x14”. July, 2024/A.Da. 108/A.H. 194
$4.00 + s/h – PURCHASE HERE


A reminder that I'm horribly behind on keeping this site updated – until I manage to rectify that, keep abreast of mOnocle-Lash Anti-Press & the Revenant Archive for my ongoing Bouzingo & French-Romanticist related publications & research.